Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sneak Peek!

Upcoming topics:
Adventuring in Siem Reap! Follow Wendy and me as we:
--> Climb ancient temples! (One of them was used in the filming of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Dooooooom!)
--> Help orphans by watching them dance and return the next day to teach them to play spoons (Wendy) and sweep up leaves (me).
--> Bike to a lotus field and stuffing our faces with lotus seeds!
--> Fail at getting good massages!
--> Visit a zoo (boo!) and sanctuary (yay!)

Buddha's Birthday! My friends Erika and Allison came with me on an adventure to a temple that is only open to the public for the night before and day of Buddha's birthday. It was beautiful!

My second temple stay! Allison and I stayed at a temple this last weekend, we did 108 bows and my thighs still hurt.

My current reading! I'm reading "Crazy, Sexy Diet" by Kris Carr and really loving the book (though, not all of the ideas are really easy for my gluten/sugar/caffeine/alcohol loving self to implement).

I promise to post at least twice this week.
