Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why is the first class of the semester the best?

Because 'Capture the Flag' counts as a good activity. Yes! I love my Tuesday/Thursday Intermediate class, it's mostly kids who had me last semester and they were pretty well behaved today. 'Greedy Pig' changed his name to 'Greedy Horse.' I still have a pair of twins, King and Evan, who I can tell apart up close and am working on being able to tell apart from a distance. Evan is a melodramatic actor at times, but doesn't do it when it disrupts class. King is a bit more chatty when there are other things we need to do, but Evan keeps him in check. Jack, the son of one of my adult students, got a bruise under his eye during the game today--I hope his mom isn't upset. Jack's sister, Bella, had me for one class at the end of last semester and told her mom she was sad she wasn't in my class--she picked out a headband for me which matches one of hers. ^_^ Even the shyer girls were running around and laughing during Capture the Flag, which is nice since there were two new girls who weren't speaking up much in the ball toss get-to-know-you game.

My last Beginner 2 class, on the other hand, was really chatty and rude. They wouldn't let anyone have the floor. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. Maybe bribe them to be good with a "gold star" system. I had to move one kid to a different seat and we had to stop the ball toss game because I couldn't hear anything the kids were saying, so we went to the sitting and reciting mode. Ugh. I hate being that teacher. My co-teacher and I were discussing strategies and he was suggesting assigned seats and kicking three time offenders out of class. Then he asked if I was hit in American schools, when I said no he asked how we were controlled. >.< This class is going to test my abilities and patience. Since I only have them one class a day, two times a week, and I'm not linked to the public schools they each attend, I don't have the power of really doing anything.

Today was an overall beautiful day. I feel so loved, thanks to the video from Eric and co., the knowledge that my lovely Aunt Evelyn and my dear friends Jeremy and Kyle are sending me packages, and someone made me and the lacto-ovo veggie at work lunch! I hope I can keep this positive attitude the rest of the semester, and my life.



  1. ^_^ You are indeed loved. As far as the behavior problem goes, if the gold star approach doesn't work, I suggest a "reward space" where the good kids get to go and do stuff they want to do while the others are kept in the other space with less desirable activities. The amount of time you have with the kids may restrict this, but the idea of positive reinforcement is good. Or you could beat them, whatevs. Loves!!!

  2. Hooray for beautiful days! And for having them inside us when the going gets rough.

    As for the behavior issues...any chance of asking the students their thoughts on it? How they feel the noise and commotion impacts them? If they feel something should be done about it, and if so what? Might need several discussions, and trying an idea of theirs as a trial and then having a discussion on how it worked...takes trust in this kind of process though, which might take a bit of time to build..

    Love reading your journey...check Voyages every day!

  3. Jeremy- I like that idea, that's the sort of thing I was going to use if they got x number of stars.

    Sally- I don't know if they would be able to sit and participate in the conversation. Not all of them want to be in class, and they're 5th graders so they know they have two years left until they are expected to work their butts off at school (attending until at least ten and as late as midnight sometimes) so they can score well on their university entrance exams. The Beginner 2 class doesn't have much English vocab and the material is boring, but I try to make it more fun with games and such. I understand why they're not wanting to sit still 4:30-5:45 after being in school all day. I might try to have them participate in the conversation, but I can usually only get a few sentences in before the cacophony begins.

  4. Of course, this is all based on one day.

  5. Having kids in a classroom that don't want to be there is the worst thing for people like us who are not big on the hierarchical control model. I am not sure what I would do in the situation. Hopefully as they get to know you and you build individual relationships with the kids the dynamic will change.
