Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Film by my friend Synthian

My friend Synthian is an amazing activist, and this is his most recent project. I will be buying this video and I'm trying to spread the word while here in Korea since many teachers vacation in Southeast Asia where elephant riding is popular.

I will never ride an animal that has been broken.


  1. Provocative trailer... will be interested in seeing the final documentary... hopefully not too too heavy! We humans have such hubris at times when it comes to appreciating (or not) our independent web.

  2. Synthian is a pretty good artist, he does video and music mainly, and always for some sort of cause.

    I'm finding that hubris you mentioned is more apparent here. Korea has a huge population of abandoned animals because it's common practice to just dump them when you're "finished" with them or they've "stopped being cute." And, adjushis (old men) break the tails of cats because they think it's funny. It's a common problem here.

    Then, the elephant thing is more common since people got to SE Asia for vacations, and don't think about how it is that they are able to ride these wild animals.
