Even though I'm only halfway through my contract here, I find myself trying to figure out what to do with myself after I'm finished. I want to travel to Chile to teach English so I can learn Spanish fluently and experience South America--a goal I've had for a long time--but I don' t know what I will do for the time between September and January (the earliest I would be willing to leave the States).
I have no job prospects at the moment. The biggest commitments to the States I have are: Eric, my family and my friends. And they are spread all over the place.
I have made a couple really awesome friends here, and one of them teaches at a university 2 hours away from Seoul in a quiet town with a beautiful mountain near by. She's trying to tempt me into staying on another year in Korea (though, I know she's not trying to really persuade me one way or another as she knows what a difficult call that would be). A university position would be the only way I would stay on here. They get two months off in winter and two months off in summer. Which means, I would be able to go home for the holidays and not miss the epic party season. Though it would mean missing people on a day to day basis. And it would mean procrastinating my time in Chile another year. Which means my Spanish would be getting weaker unless I took classes and actively pursued it here. Same for the violin. I need a teacher, and at the moment I really want to go somewhere with my violin playing. I want to go back to school and major in music (along with my green business plans).
As I already had plans to teach in another country, the time I'd be spending in Korea is not time I would be spending in the US. It's just time in a country I'm not as interested in as Chile or Argentina or France. I'd also have to learn more Korean if I were staying on another year.
I will not be able to pay off the debt that I thought I would at the onset of this venture, mostly because I spent far too much money on living expenses and ordering things online. But, if I stay another year I would be able to pay off a bigger chunk since I'd be saving on cost of living start up stuff--oven, space heater, fan, etc.
Santiago is closer than Seoul by 1000 miles, and the time difference is much more manageable. But, I would have to start all over and figure out what to do for the time before I was willing to leave the states again. I was looking into Americorps, since there contracts are only 9 months-1 year.
If I'm good, I could go back to school for music and take online classes while I'm in Chile.
I also want to be able to take my sister to Europe after she graduates from high school in 2012. And then I think it would be epic if she moved in with me for a bit so she could start to find her feet as an adult.
So much to think about. What says you, internet?
Uhm...uhh...crap, I got nothing. Whatever choice you make, we'll still be here for you as a safety net in Tucson. I would like it more if you moved a bit closer, but my wants and needs should not be accounted for in your planning. Do what you want to do, I'll be in awe of you anyways.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have you in my life, Jeremy. And your amazing boyfriend. I know I'm going to be living in Los Angeles as a default for a while, but I do long for having you around.
ReplyDeleteNo chance you guys want to live in the ocean's garbled vomit on the shore?
lol not especially, no. Thanks for the offer anyways!
ReplyDeleteIf you found ESL work in Europe, your sister could simply come visit you.
ReplyDeleteYou could find a Concert Violinist to teach you the craft.
Jeremy and I could visit you in Euro-land!
You could go to South America too.
You got options and time!
There is much to decide and I'm sure whatever you choose will be wonderful. From a purely selfish point of view, since I want to visit S America, I vote for there. And you don't seem too jazzed about Korea. There are so many more continents to explore; I vote for a change in hemisphere!
ReplyDeleteKy- I'd love to live in Europe for a bit, but I'm not sure I could teach ESL there. They want Brits. I guess I could try.
ReplyDeleteVanna- YReUUnion 2012 in Chile? I think yes.
So far, I'm digging the idea of going back to L.A.--with lots of traveling to visit those I love who live elsewhere--until February 2012. Teaching in Chile until June 2012. Coming back to the States long enough to whisk my sister off to Europe for a month of crazy adventures. Moving with my sister into a cute place in L.A.
And by "digging" I mean it offers the best compromise I can come up with at the moment. Now, to figure out how to support myself for the 5-6 months in the States before Chile...